North Andover GOP 2020 Post Primary Edition.
North Andover Republican Town Committee Newsletter Post-primary edition!
Friends, we’re now down to the wire. Our primaries are over and now the real fight has begun.
First, we’d like to congratulate Kevin O’Connor and Jeff Dufour for winning their primaries. We’d also like to congratulate Kevin, Jeff, and John Paul Moran for being endorsed by the North Andover Republican Town Committee.
Now that we have our candidates, the lines have been drawn. There has never, in our lifetime, been a starker difference between the parties, nor has there ever been a party more openly hostile to the citizens of the United States than there are in today’s Democrats. Being in “liberal” Massachusetts, our Democrat candidates are as far left as one can get. The Democratic incumbents our candidates are facing are at the forefront of those calling to defund our police while cheering on the violent Marxist groups burning down our cities. These same incumbents put the interests of illegal aliens, and other foreign nationals and foreign governments ahead of the US Citizens they are sworn to represent. So please get out to vote on November 3rd for our candidates.
Kevin O’Connor is facing off against Ed Markey, friend of AOC, and author of “The Green New Deal” which we are seeing in CA right now means your electricity will be as reliable as North Korea’s. Kevin believes we need to make sure we consider the interests of the citizens of the United States when we consider environmental and immigration policies. Kevin will stand up for the people of Massachusetts who he is running to represent.
John Paul Moran is facing off against failed Presidential candidate Seth Moulton. John Paul has been working tirelessly to earn the votes of the Massachusetts 6th Congressional District’s voters. John Paul brings a tremendous amount of positive energy to his campaign, which is centered around creating opportunities for all. In addition, as with all of our candidates, John Paul stands with our brave police offices, not against them.
For State Representative in Precincts 6, 7, and 8 we have Jeff Dufour running against one of the farthest left members of the Massachusetts state legislature, Tram Nguyen. Unlike Tram, Jeff opposes the TCI tax increases. He will focus on using state revenues to help the citizens and small business owners of Massachusetts, not provide additional services and support to illegal aliens. Perhaps most importantly in the current climate, Jeff stands with the police, and will never vote to defund them.
We need to come together and support our candidates now more than ever. We need people to host yard signs, come to standouts, make phone calls, knock doors, host gatherings at their homes, and donate to their campaigns. If you can help, please email northandovergop@gmail.com, sign up on our website at https://northandovergop.com/volunteer or contact the individual campaigns:
Kevin O’Connor
John Paul Moran
Jeff Dufour
Please follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GOP01845
Check our website for frequent updates, and sign up for our mail list: https://northandovergop.com/
Please sign up on our website to volunteer for current and future campaigns: https://northandovergop.com/volunteer
Lastly all local events for our candidates and other items of interest are posted on the events page of our website: https://northandovergop.com/events
Thank you,
CJ Gangi: Chairman
Kevin Dube: Treasurer